The communication and audiovisual sector fail the Violet Thermometer of equality
The Violet Thermometer of the communication and audiovisual sector, released by the Association 50a50 to measure the degree of compliance with the Equality and Parity Law in organizations, makes clear the low participation of women in the decision-making positions in this sector.
Plain language, key to improving written communication
Laia Terrón has given a skills workshop for the #Lideratge50a50 cycle, focused in this case on professional writing. Under the title "Your writing defines you", it has been a very practical session in which the participating members have ended up very satisfied.
The value of the members of 50a50
At the Association 50a50 we start a 2022 full of projects and hopes, aware of the strength and drive of our members. But firstly we have made a recap of the 2021.
The Hypatia Cycle points to society as the cause of the worsening of women’s mental health
The second session of the Hypatia Cycle, entitled "The impact of the pandemic and the crisis on mental health from a gender perspective", denounced the invisibility that is being given to this serious problem increased by the triple crisis of Covid-19 .
Violet thermometer below zero in the food sector
The study of 50 organizations in the food sector carried out by the 50a50 Association under the title of "Violet Thermometer" confirms that only 34.8% of companies meet parity in the boards of directors, and 12.5% in the committees of direction.
Illusion and renewal of the board in the general assembly of members
Illusion has been breathed among the members in the general assembly of the Associació 50a50, which has been held in a hybrid format, combining face-to-face meeting the anti-Covid capacity restrictions and the online mode for those who could not physically attend.
Violet Thermometer: “Equality is not negotiable, it is law”
New campaign to measure equality in the boards of administration and management of organizations in Catalonia.
The Hypatia Cycle vindicates the feminist gaze for post-Covid-19 economic recovery
Under the title "A human and sustainable economy is a feminist economy", the Hypatia Cycle has been released. Under the organization of the Associació 50a50 Association and the Hypatia Forum, it is focused on pending issues to achieve effective and real equality between women and men. This first session was focused on work and the economy and on the impact of Covid-19 from a gender perspective.
Master class in dignity
The last session of the 50a50 reading club, which had the philosopher and writer Montse Barderi as a guest to comment on the book "Aristotelian Love Manual for 21st Century Women", was a master class in dignity, an accelerated course in empowerment for women.