Professionals and directors

Created in June 2017 by the counsellors of the Woman, Company and Economy Observatory (ODEE) of the Barcelona Chamber of Commerce, the 50a50 Association has, as honorary chairwoman, Cristina Gallach, previous director of Communications at the United Nations and highly commissioned for the Spanish’s Government’s 2030 Agenda. It is chaired by Anna Mercadé, founder and director of ODEE, and has become a big protagonist in a very short period of time thanks to the work and effort of the 20 founding members and the voices of the board of directors, leading women who are a point of reference in their fields.

At present there are more than a hundred members, who are women in directorial, professional, entrepreneurial or freelance roles with a great deal of talent and admirable journeys both on a professional and personal level.

All of them embrace the 50a50’s philosophy and subscribe to the members’ values, and in one way or another, participate in the entity’s actions, working transversely and cooperatively, in order to move forward towards 50% female representation in public and private organisations and institutions within the economic, business and institutional worlds.

50a50 members


  • Subscribe to the association’s newsletter

  • You will be part of the community of friends of 50a50


  • Check the agenda of activities of the association

  • We organize after-works, reading club meetings, networking sessions and leadership and feminism training workshops


  • Find out about the actions developed and the activities already organized

  • Follow us on social media: Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn

Become a member

  • Take another step towards parity and contribute financially

  • Access training, professional promotion, visibility and networking services