This year 2024 has been a significant year for the 50a50 Association, marked by a series of activities and projects that have reflected our commitment to gender equality and parity. In addition, the importance of continuing to work together to achieve the objectives set has never been more evident.

Our general assembly of members of 2024 has been very special, since it has been the seventh since the constitution of the association. This year we have celebrated seven years of success and growth, a triumph shared by all members.

Our differential value continues to be the talent and dedication of each of the members. President Anna Mercadé and Ferrando highlighted the importance of union and collaboration to achieve our parity goals. His call to continue joining efforts together has been one of the most outstanding moments of the assembly.

Unànim approval and Active Support

The assembly unanimously approved both the meeting report and the accounts for 2023 and the budget for 2024. This vote of confidence reaffirms the support of the members to the management of the board of directors and to the projects in progress.

In addition, we want to highlight the active collaboration of several members in key projects such as the Violet Thermometer, which continues to be an essential tool to measure and promote gender equality in different areas, and continue working in the four working groups that are actively being carried out by our members.

Looking to the Future

The road ahead is long, but we are more determined than ever to continue fighting together to achieve our goals of parity and equality. Each action, each project and each meeting are steps towards a fairer and more equitable society.

For more details on the activities and achievements of the association during this year, you can download the shortened presentation through the following link.

50a50 – 2024 Assembly

Thank you to all the members for your commitment and dedication. Let us move forward, together, towards a better future.