Successful meeting of members


The 50a50 association organized a successful autumn meeting of members, at the DayOne Auditorium of CaixaBank, with the participation of more than 40 businesswomen, professionals and entrepreneurs, committed to work for the objective number 5 of the UN 2030 Agenda.

During the meeting the president of 50a50, Anna Mercadé, remembered the work developed in recent months. Established just over a year ago, the association begins to grow in number of members. “It is a source of satisfaction to see that so many women are joining, with solidarity, transversally and cooperatively, to work together for effective parity between women and men in decision-making positions of institutions and companies, many thanks to all”, the spokeswoman said.

Mercadé explained that several changes have been made, including a restructuring of the website to streamline the process of registration of the members, the hiring of a new coordinator and the search for a coworking space as the 50a50 headquarters.

In addition, a considerable effort has been made to establish a solid network of institutional relations, very useful for lobby actions of the association, for example with different departments of the Generalitat, with the Metropolitan Area of ​​Barcelona, ​​with the Institut Català de les Dones and with several professional associations, among other institutions.

Giving visibility to the association and the cause, through interviews with the media, has also been a focus of the 50a50 board of directors these months.

Another line of action has been education, through the series of round tables “Leading economic sectors with female talent“, the result of a collaboration agreement with Barcelona Activa. This cycle allows to give visibility to female talent and at the same time to inspire women in order to help them to empower.

All this has been made compatible with the campaign of the 50a50 candidates for the elections to the Chamber of Commerce of Barcelona, with the aim of reaching a plenary with 50% of women and of causing a cascading effect on other organizations and companies.

The new 50a50 coordinator, Neus Jordi, presented the program of services for members, which includes professional promotion and networking actions, among others.

In addition to informing about the news and the work carried out, the meeting of members also served to organize the association in commissions, in order to work in a collaborative and transversal way, each member in its area of ​​action or influence, to achieve the effective parity in the maximum number of decision-making positions. At first, the structural commissions will work.

You can read the presentation of the meeting here. The document includes the organization in commissions and the new program of services for members.